Monday, December 21, 2009

Madden on Returnable Packaging and Reducing 30% Landfill Waste

David Madden is Founder and President of Container Exchanger (, an online exchange for acclimated returnable packaging systems, such as collapsible aggregate containers, metal shipment containers, artificial pallets, and duke totes. Founded in 2005, Madden led the aggregation through the startup appearance and into its accepted cachet as the absolute one-stop boutique for acclimated containers and crates.

Madden started Container Exchanger afterwards 5 years of Engineering acquaintance in the automotive industry, area Madden’s primary responsibilities revolved about decay reduction. He anon accomplished that one aberrant antecedent of decay in the automotive business aria in the returnable packaging systems. After the packaging was acclimated for a few years, the packaging was still good, but it was no best needed. The containers accumulated up and were generally awash for atom ethics or less. Madden started Container Exchanger to ample this gap; acquisition retail buyers for these acclimated packaging systems, thereby accretion the money that the containers were awash for, and abbreviating packaging accretion costs for the purchaser.

Madden holds a Bachelors amount in Industrial Engineering from North Carolina State University, an MBA from Georgia Tech, and he accustomed his Black Belt affidavit from the DaimlerChrysler Quality Institute.

Returnable packaging reduces decay created by every business. The EarthWorks Group estimates that 30% of landfill decay is created by artificial and cardboard packaging. The use of agenda articles and added one-time-use packaging articles accord to this waste.
Folding aggregate containers, automated totes, and metal accumulator bins are acclimated over and over afresh aural a ability or amid a supplier and a customer. They can be acclimated actually bags of times. These aggregate boxes are abundant cheaper in the continued appellation if compared to affairs agenda boxes and copse crates every time that artefact is shipped. Savings can be empiric in the per area packaging cost. While the upfront investment in returnable packaging may amount more, accumulation can be accomplished bound through again use (the aforementioned aggregate containers, metal bins, and totes are acclimated over and over), activity (no added box assembly), actual administration (fewer moves from stackable containers), above (fewer rejects due to damaged packaging), and attic amplitude (plastic and metal containers can assemblage actual high). The per area packaging costs for acclimated aggregate containers and totes can be as low as 5% of the costs for a commensurable dispensable solution, depending on shipment volumes.

Container Exchanger ( is committed to the auction and resale of reusable packaging and containers. The close resells folding aggregate containers, metal accumulator bins, artificial automated totes, artificial pallets, and acclimated gaylord boxes nationwide. When a aggregation is accomplished application a returnable packaging fleet, Container Exchanger represents the agent and finds a applicant for the acclimated aggregate packaging. Sellers adore a top sales amount for a bigger acknowledgment on investment. Buyers save decidedly in allegory to new packaging prices.

Container Exchanger
David Madden, President

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