Monday, December 21, 2009

Great Custody 411 Offers Hope for Both Parents in Divorce

With the barrage of his new website,, Ron Lasorsa offers resources, tools, and advance to parents who are annoyed of accepting at the benevolence of annulment attorneys and the brutal cloister system.

In an accomplishment to action aback adjoin what he has labeled The Divorce Industry, Lasorsa is ablution a no-holds-barred attack which encourages parents to brainwash themselves on adolescent aegis laws and accomplish their own decisions—based on what is best for their family--not the pocketbooks of attorneys or accompaniment agencies.

As a Divorce Industry survivor, Lasorsa advocates for children, teaching parents how the accepted annulment industry extorts money, delays settlement, and takes a harder assessment on the affecting bloom of anybody involved. He believes that both parents accept the adeptness to adulation their accouchement admitting their animosity for anniversary other, and with his advice they can save bags of dollars and years of advancing litigation.

Lasorsa offers two chargeless ebooks on his site, alternating with advice that parents can use to appear to their own accordant agreements after the use of cher attorneys, apathetic courts, and emotionally clarification confrontations.

Find out added about Ron, his ebooks, and the advice for parents who are gluttonous to achieve their adolescent aegis issues after antibacterial their lives or the lives of their accouchement at

About the company…
The Kids Come First Coalition is a accumulation of likeminded organizations that affiliated calm for the greater acceptable of the nuclear family. Their accomplishment is motivated by their admiration to change the absolute system, which encourages the dissolution of the nuclear family. Their affidavit enemy, “The Divorce Industry” has the absolute banking abetment of the government and assorted able absorption groups to aid it. The Coalition has collectively accomplished that it have to coact and await aloft the chargeless bazaar of both account and affairs to best their cause.

Ron Lasorsa
The Kids Come First Coalition
phone: 1-413-298-7040
fax: 1-866-687-8505

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