Monday, December 21, 2009

Dust Storm Pool Problems? Zodiac Has the Answers

With the contempo adverse dust storms in NSW and Queensland, it seems abounding basin owners accept been adversity the consequences.

The storms created two capital problems. Many may accept noticed that their baptize has angry blurred and blooming acceptation that they now accept algae. This is because the dust is affluent in nutrients and this calm with balmy acclimate (particularly in Queensland) has created absolute altitude for algae blooms.

The added accepted botheration is that the dust charcoal in the pool water authoritative it blurred admitting vacuuming and active the pump.

Zodiac, the bazaar baton in basin technology and accessories supplies, has some simple solutions to get your basin aback to its sparkling best.

Because there are three accepted types of algae Zodiac accept a ambit of six altered PQ articles to abolish algae and anticipate them from reoccurring. Getting the appropriate artefact is the key to accepting your basin aback into acme action quickly. You’ll charge to allocution to your bounded Zodiac Pool Dealer about the specifics of the algae in your basin so that they can acclaim the best PQ artefact to amusement the problem.

Cloudy Water
The accomplished dust particles are accepting abeyant in your pool, and because they’re too accomplished to be trapped in the clarify they accomplish your basin attending cloudy. Adding PQ Natural Water Clarifier will accumulation the accomplished particles calm so they can be trapped by the clarify and removed.

Sparkling Clean
It’s aswell important that you accord the basin and all of your basin accessories a absolutely acceptable apple-pie to ensure that the botheration doesn’t al of a sudden reappear after on. Following the accomplish below will abolish phosphates and actual dust from your basin preventing added problems from
occurring (If you already accept algae chase the instructions recommended by your Zodiac Pool Dealer).

Step 1: Backwash your clarify or if you accept a armament clarify abolish the armament and apple-pie it with PQ Concentrated Filter Cleaner

Step 2: Take a baptize sample to your bounded pool boutique to analysis for phosphates - even if you don’t anticipate you accept a botheration it’s a acceptable abstraction to accept it activated now to preventpossible algae blooms. You will aswell charge to apperceive the phosphate levels for Step 3.

Step 3: Add PQ Ultimate Phosphate Remover to your basin via the skimmer basket. Following the instructions on the bottle.

Step 4: Add PQ Natural Clarifier to your basin (straight afterwards abacus Phosphate Remover). Follow the dosage admonition on the bottle.

Step 5: Run your pump for 24 hours and again accomplish a quick aftermath and rinse.

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