Monday, December 21, 2009

Deadbeats Beware, Whatever You Did Is Going Public, the List association website that outs humans and businesses who accept busted you over, is abide and demography complaints. is a complaint and resolution website that covers all grievances, for all people. When complaints are posted, generates an email to the accused and/or sends an 8.5x5.5 inch blush postcard in the U.S. mail (providing an email and commitment abode are supplied), advice the accused that they accept been added to the Deadbeat List. Cost to column a complaint is $9.99. is acceptance chargeless posts with postcard mailings for the ages of September.

“If anyone wrongs you, you have to angle up, and you charge a abode to do that,” said Adam Gordon, the passionate, 39-year old-entrepreneur who started this ancestors business with his ancestor and mother. “It is the alone way to accomplish humans crop responsibility. And if you’re cogent the truth, alone acceptable things can appear of it.”

There are abounding times if the acknowledged arrangement is too expensive, or contrarily not appropriate, for clearing disputes, abrogation humans who accept suffered accident from a neighbor, business, contractor, spouse—you name it— with no recourse, no satisfaction. Futility sets in and lives go on unresolved.

That’s absolutely what happened to Gary Gordon, the ancestor of the Gordon trio: In 1994, Gary Gordon was a clear designer. He was apprenticed to do $150,000 account of architecture work, and aloft achievement and accepting of that work, he beatific the bill, which to this day charcoal unpaid.

“He bankrupt up shop, confused to a new appointment in the aforementioned building, and said ‘That’s business,’ if I assuredly bent up with him,” Gary Gordon said. “I had no recourse. The accusation failed. So I took responsibility.”

The abstraction for was borne. “Instead of accepting affronted and defeated, we created a absolute aperture for activity resolved,” said Anita Gordon, the mother of the family. “You accept to accept it was devastating. That applicant of Gary’s was our friend.”

Fair is fair on The accused will accept the adventitious to break the accusation, which is aswell posted, and posts are never taken down. A chat aback and alternating can go on for as continued as both parties participate. is searchable, so humans can analysis on businesses or individuals they may accessory with. Easy to participate, simple to search, lets humans crop affairs into their own hands, with absolute results.


Michael Becce
MRB Public Relations, Inc.
732 758-1100 x104

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