Monday, December 21, 2009

Bella’s Cookies Expands Green Halloween Program in Delaware

Bella’s Cookies is bringing Green Halloween aback to Milton Elementary School this year, and accretion the affairs to HO Brittingham Elementary School in Milton. Monday, November 3rd, acceptance will barter their acceptable Halloween bonbon for a greener and cleaner bag of treats. Bella’s continues to adapt this anniversary accident in Delaware in accomplishment to accession acquaintance of the bloom & comestible dangers ambuscade in acceptable treats and bonbon that are accustomed to accouchement during the Halloween celebration.

“Green Halloween” puts an eco-friendly circuit on the acceptable anniversary of Halloween through a array of simple to chase blooming practices. The anniversary advocates recycling, apple affable practices, gardening, blooming apparel ideas, fun contests/scavenger hunts, and of advance new account for bonbon & treats. “The fundamentals of the anniversary animate you to anticipate creatively and earth-friendly, said Kelly Leishear (President of Bella’s Cookies) “children get just as aflame about treasures and trinkets as they do bonbon or treats.” For those either giving or accepting Halloween treats, attending for ones after baneful and/or adverse ingredients; this is a key abstraction of Green Halloween – to accession the acquaintance on the dangers ambuscade in mainstream, commercially fabricated treats and candy. For years, top fructose blah syrup, artificial colors/flavors, and preservatives accept been accustomed after averseness to accouchement dressed in costume, about with medical altitude such as adolescent diabetes and adolescence blubber on the rise, and added accouchement accepting diagnosed with allergic reactions to assertive ingredients, alternatives to the barometer are accepting added approved afterwards by careful consumers.

Green Halloween is captivated the aboriginal academy day afterwards Halloween (this year Monday, November 3rd), and acceptance will authority bonbon weigh-ins again barter their accepted treats and bonbon for a “Green Halloween” bag. Each bag is accumulated in a recyclable cardboard bag and abounding with contributions from some businesses such as East Coast Garden Center in Millsboro, Delaware Solid Waste Authority, TS Smith & Son in Bridgeville, Good 4 U Natural Market, Rita’s Ice, and Bella’s Cookies. “The accoutrements action accouchement something different, little things that accouchement can use, adore and treats fabricated after ailing ingredients,” said Kelly Leishear (President of Bella’s Cookies). Last year, Milton Elementary School piloted the Green Halloween affairs with 89 acceptance accommodating and axis in 215 lbs of candy. The rules of the barter are simple: acceptance have to about-face in about 2 pounds of bonbon in adjustment to accept a bag. A letter will go home in student’s folders the anniversary of October 13th, answer the accent of the accident and allurement for their child’s participation.

Bella’s has aswell acquaint a appropriate area on their website for Green Halloween. This area includes advice on the dangers of capacity such as aliment dyes, preservatives, and top fructose blah syrup, blooming account for Halloween from, and a advertisement of contest that Bella’s Cookies will be in appearance this October area consumers can collaborate and apprentice added about the affairs & how they can participate. “Expanding this affairs is important to us,” said Kelly Leishear “a child’s anatomy undergoes accelerated advance development, and what they’re putting into their bodies now, is acutely important.”

As the 2008 accord for businesses is passed, businesses adulatory to participate or apprentice added about next year’s Green Halloween anniversary may acquaintance Bella’s Cookies at the advice below.

Bella’s Cookies is an amoebic and vegan bakery specializing in accustomed & organic, vegan, and gluten chargeless cookies. More advice about Bella’s Cookies or Green Halloween can be begin online at or by calling 302-684-8152.

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