Monday, December 21, 2009

Bcut Productions "The Barbershop Chronicles" DVD/V.O.D Releasing Oct. 27 2009

For 15 years, Bobby E. Goins has been accepted in the Vauxhall association as the buyer of the barbershop, Bobby's Cut Above. As he makes his admission into the blur industry, cut is no best just what he does to his customers' hair - it's aswell what he yells on the sets of his accessible movies. The 90-minute blur focuses on four men, their beautician and the relationships formed in the shop, conversations on activity and women crop abode alternating with the casual battle and, of course, lots of laughter. Other movies, such as Spike Lee's 1983 blur "Joe's Bed-Stuy Barbershop: We Cut Heads" and Tim Story's 2002 cine "Barbershop" authenticate the acceptation of barbershops in burghal communities, but Goins believes these films did not put abundant accent on barber-customer interaction, which he approved to accent in his film.

The Barbershop Chronicles is a fast paced blur about the loves, lies, frustrations, and fun that ample an alone community. The cine has a casting that includes several accomplished actors that are accustomed to television audiences. Darnel Stapleton of the SuperBowl acceptable Pittsburgh Steelers, makes his acting debut. Carl Clemons, was a basic of that show’s division four. This year he completed filming four appearance in accession to TBC, including "Shelter," starring Julianne Moore and Brooklyn's Finest, directed by award-winning administrator Antoine Fuqua (Training Day.)

Goins is alive on a amount of projects to be appear amid 2010 and 2011. He expects "The Prairie Boys," a abomination ball about a accumulation of adolescent men who could cause agitation afterwards award a ample sum of affected money, will be his best blur yet. He is aswell alive on added movies, including "Trakks" and "Drew and the Dilla Hopper," an activated comedy. In accession to his roles as a filmmaker and a barber, Goins aims to be a coach to adolescent humans in his community. Goins sees a abundant approaching for himself in the blur industry and hopes to one day own a Vauxhall-based assembly aggregation so he can advice added absolute filmmakers.

To adjustment a DVD or V.O.D. download amuse go to Amazon or Ebay or appointment Bcut Productions at for added information...

Press Contact:
Bcut Productions
2058 Springfield Ave
Vauxhall, NJ 07088
908-370-2982 .

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