Monday, December 21, 2009

Assessing Leaders’ Negative Capability: The Negative Capability 360 Feedback Tool

‘Negative Capability’ is an important administration adequacy that rarely gets talked about and is abundantly disregarded in favor of ‘proactive’ leadership. Planning, forethought, and anecdotic issues afore they become problems are all-important aspects of acceptable leadership, admitting the overemphasis on accepting proactive has deleterious accoutrement on a leader’s adeptness to be reactive, that is, to acknowledge to alteration affairs in absolute time. Organizational leaders are generally advised by how abundant they know, how abundant they get done, and how bound they access at decisions, and as a result, action generally replaces cerebration and reflection. This bent makes not alive unacceptable and creates altitude that are adverse to creativity, authenticity, and anxious reactivity. The Negative Capability administration adequacy challenges these notions, and offers a simple access that opens up amplitude in claimed and able relationships.

LeaderNation (, in accord with ORGDYNE Training & Consulting, LLC ( has created a set of eight administration competencies that admeasurement Negative Capability application a 360 acknowledgment apparatus with behaviorally-based questions (see for added advice on 360 acknowledgment accoutrement that use behaviorally-based questions). Examples of these administration competencies cover authenticity, abundance with claimed ignorance, and altruism for ambiguity. All authoritative leaders are alleged aloft to exercise these abilities in capricious degrees, admitting they are rarely talked about and about never accomplished due to the ache associated with abrogating amplitude and the stigma absorbed to the limitations in claimed ability that we all share. In aggregate with ORGDYNE’s acceptance training, the Negative Capability 360 acknowledgment apparatus challenges leaders to reflect aloft these skills, accost afflictive uncertainties, and access their self-awareness by actively gluttonous feedback.

The Negative Capability acceptance advance is just one of the means ORGDYNE connects humans and account common and provides its associates with acid bend scholarship from bookish powerhouses such as Manfred Kets DeVries and Edgar Schein. Dr. Herb Bilick, Ph.D., said of the acceptance course, “I abstruse afresh the accent of time for absorption and containment, the accent of tolerating ambiguity and uncertainty, and absorbing means of presenting the actual to others.” (See for added testimonials.) ORGDYNE’s affiliation with LeaderNation demonstrates the firm’s connected charge to accompany the best in administration approach to practicing authoritative leaders. Given LeaderNation’s adherence to empirically-sound appraisal and data-based administration development, the affiliation amid the two firms was a accustomed fit. The Negative Capability 360 acknowledgment appraisal was complete application LeaderNation technology, and advised to crop actionable feedback. Using LeaderNation’s 360 acknowledgment apparatus participants in the Negative Capability acceptance advance accept acknowledgment that is imminently actionable, accumulation both quantitative and qualitative questions that crop alone acknowledgment directed at specific behaviors accompanying to Negative Capability administration competencies.

To apprentice added about accessible ORGDYNE events, including advice apropos the Negative Capability acceptance course, appointment And for a chargeless examination of the Negative Capabilities 360 acknowledgment apparatus acquaintance LeaderNation at or email and ask about the chargeless Negative Capability 360 acknowledgment preview.

For added information, appointment and

Media Contacts: Joaquín V. Roca, LeaderNation LLC. | (917) 476-6670 | Joaquí and Anil Behal, ORGDYNE Training & Consulting, LLC. | (610) 517-5381 |

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